Tallahassee, FL Sexual Harassment Claim Attorneys

Tallahassee, FL Sexual Harassment Claim Attorneys

If you feel that you are being harassed because of your sex or gender, discuss your case confidentially with our Tallahassee sexual harassment attorney at the Law Office of Richard E. Johnson.

Since 1990, Richard E. Johnson has remained committed to protecting the rights of individuals who face a hostile work environment. We bring understanding and personal attention to these delicate matters. We strive, at all times, to advocate for our clients' rights and deliver representation that is straightforward and understanding.

We welcome you to contact us online or by telephone at 850-425-1997 to schedule a free, confidential initial consultation with an experienced sexual harassment attorney in Tallahassee, FL.

Some valuable steps to protecting yourself and building a strong case against sexual harassment are:

  • Thoroughly document the harassment that is taking place. Include details like dates, times, who is involved, witnesses, harassing comments, inappropriate touching, or any other relevant information.
  • Keep documentation of harassment off-site. Do not store this kind of information in a place where your boss or co-workers can see it. Do not store it online. Do not share information on social media. Keep all documentation confidential and safe at home.
  • Make use of internal remedies at work. Sexual harassment claims are against employers. If you do not make your employer aware of the harassment, you may not have a strong claim. Talk to your human resources department or your boss and let him or her know that you feel uncomfortable at work.
  • Consult your employee handbook. Many employers have official policies regarding harassment. If you do not have one, request one. If your workplace does not have one put together, ask if there are any other employee policies that you can have copies of.
  • Do not access confidential information without permission from your employer. You may be curious about your personnel file or emails that have been sent between your co-workers. Even if you have reason to believe there is clear evidence of harassment in these inaccessible areas, do not pursue them. You could discredit your claim by doing so.

Making a case against sexual harassment is complex and requires a thorough knowledge of your rights as well as what kind of evidence is needed to back up your claim. Make sure to work with an experienced Florida attorney who will give your case the attention it deserves.

Contact Our Tallahassee, FL sexual harassment attorney | 850-425-1997